Accessible Travel: Small Changes To Make Your Business More Accessible

Accessible Travel: Small Changes To Make Your Business More Accessible There has been a lot of talk about accessible travel recently, and rightly so. Everyone deserves to be able to travel, and individuals with disabilities may worry that they will not be able to access the assistance they need on their travels. Accessibility […]
Implement Effective Fraud Strategies to Protect Your Travel Business

Implement Effective Fraud Strategies to Protect Your Travel Business Fraud is an issue that continues to plague travellers and travel businesses, and it’s a problem that will not go away any time soon. Every year, criminals target travellers and travel companies in scams that cost many millions of pounds. While fraud prevention technology […]
Travel Recovery: What does our future hold?

Travel Recovery: What does the future hold? Trust My Group – Interview with Will Plummer Hi Will, now that travel is restarting around the world, what role do you think financial protection will play? Has the pandemic increased the need for financial protection?“I truly believe financial protection will play a bigger part than ever […]
Interview: Will Plummer, CEO of Trust My Group

Interview: Will Plummer, CEO of Trust My Group Posted by Luke Kenna, Business Development Executive at ICS-digital October 28, 2021 Over the past 18 months, almost every travel brand has been affected by the global coronavirus pandemic. The travelling public lost the freedom to venture abroad due to a near standstill in international […]
Trust My Travel technology modernises sector’s…

Trust My Travel technology modernises sector’s outdated approach to risk management Posted by Lee Hayhurst on Nov 23rd, 2021 at 18:14 Firm rebrands to Trust My Group and brings A-rated failure insurer into travel with Trust Protects Trust My Travel has introduced new risk management technology to help industry insurers and merchant acquirers better understand and manage their […]
Three ways using Trust My Travel will benefit your business

Three ways using Trust My Travel will benefit your business It is a difficult time to be a travel business. For months, the pandemic decimated demand for travel and restrictions limited people’s options and reduced their confidence in the sector. The situation worsened when some travel businesses acted deceptively to protect cash flow, further degrading […]
The travel industry is finally pivoting towards trust accounts

The UK’s top package holiday companies have said that it is “inevitable” that the trade will have to segregate customer money in a separate account if the Atol system is reformed. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is currently considering more than 300 responses to its consultation on potential reforms to Atol and wants customer payments […]
Why should I consider using a trust account?

Why should I consider using a trust account? Demand for trust accounts has grown considerably over the last year as more travel companies recognise their benefits. The pandemic highlighted significant financial protection failings, and for some time, travel providers were plunged into payment-related chaos. Sadly, this chaos led to insolvency for a portion […]
Travel Trust Accounts – Cashflow Nightmares…

Travel Trust Accounts – Cashflow Nightmares or Sensible Business Strategy? For many travel companies, especially start-ups and small businesses, trust accounts provide the only available and affordable solution to meet the Package Travel Regulations – especially if having a merchant account is a requirement. At Trust My Travel we often get told by prospective members […]